Technology Trends 2019

Top Technology Trends in 2019

Consumerism is on a high, and online platforms have grown exponentially to support the idea of trying new things, new technologies. Some of these new technologies are pricey, but these prices also come down every now and then because of the market competition.

It is highly likely that the technologies that had come on top in the year 2018 have gradually transformed and taken a new and improved shape with time. Here in this blog, we will discuss some new and ongoing technologies that are expected to trend in the year 2019.

The Strides of Electric Cars

When it comes to electric cars, most of us think about Tesla, but now other car manufacturers are also thinking in this direction and trying to take the stride in the future of the cars. 2019 will be a year of electric cars. Some of the major car manufacturers that have started showing interest are Audi, Auston Martin, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche to name a few.

However, the initial prices of these electric cars will be very high. But as people are becoming more conscious about the climate, this awareness will push them towards opting electric cars rather than the cars that run on traditional fossil fuel.

Amid all the available options there are few options like the Mini E and Volvo XC40 that are expected to be affordable, but this is also true that Tesla will take the lead. It is highly likely that by the end of 2019, every major car manufacturer will have an electric car model or at least will have a concept model for electric cars.

The Downfall of Social Media

The rise in social media has been steady, but since the year 2016 when Facebook faced the brunt of sharing user data to influence the 2016 US elections a lot of people have already opted it out. Reports suggest that Twitter and Snapchat has a clear downfall and Facebook has lost around three million users from Europe in the year 2018.

If we talk about the year 2019, the concern of users is going to shift to the quality of information they gather on social media.

 Source: The Guardian

The trend of social media will also affect the behaviour of smartphone users. The idea of share with care will become more prominent.

The Arrival of 5G

The arrival of 5G technology has brought some revolutionary changes in the mobile industry. In the coming year 2019 as well, there are certain specifications that decide the overall performance of the mobile network on 5G. Most of the countries are working on these specific infrastructural requirements to establish a 5G network.

In the year 2019, 5G will stand out as the next generation of mobile broadband that will give the 4G LTE connections a run for their money. The uploading and downloading speed will become remarkably faster.

Many countries are gradually progressing towards 5G. The US has already started offering 5G hotspots on networks like Verizon and AT&T. Most of the parts of Asia and Europe are already considering the rollout of 5G.


People have already dreamt and imagined about a smart home that is interactive with the person living in it. A smart home is a home that understands its inhabitants very well. In the year 2019, the inclination towards smart-homes will increase with the help of devices like Amazon’s Alexa, wireless charging devices, and other automated solutions that will further make people’s life much easier.

Boston Dynamics has made several robots that can walk and take instructions. They have also made high-resolution cameras that help in sensing the environment. In the coming year, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning will help in growing the abilities of these robots.

Another game changer that will make smart-home a high possibility is 802.11ax that is commonly known as Wi-Fi 6. It is going to be the one revolutionary thing in wireless connectivity.

In the year 2018, people have connected tens of millions of devices with Alexa and people will continue to do so in the year 2019 as well. Apart from Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant has also impressed its users remarkably.

Devices such as lamps, cars, microwave ovens, TVs, clocks and others will seek digital assistance that is intelligent and responsive.

Human and AI Collaboration

In the year 2019, the human and AI collaboration will increase in number. The term that is needed to be emphasised here is ‘collaboration.’ Because we have learned from the past year that AI should not be given a lot of decision-making responsibility, solely.

In this context, it is equally necessary to avoid unstructured data or potentially biased data because it leads to biased outcomes. 2019 will witness datasets consistent and a lot more collaborative in terms of giving some powerful results.

Human and AI communication- Harvard Study

Source: Harvard Business Review

In the above image, it is visible that the number of human-machine collaboration is directly proportional to performance improvement. If AI is used in a synchronised manner in tandem with human skills, it is going to boost the overall decision-making and creativity. The year 2019 will hopefully present this human-AI collaboration in a much better way.

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